Be Watchful of Solicitors

No Soliciting Sign_37th St ChippewaBE WATCHFUL OF SOLICITORS

A reminder to West Mayfield residents: All solicitors in the borough must have a permit issued and signed by the mayor. This permit must be presented to residents upon request.

All solicitation permits are posted to borough website:  Verify a Solicitaton Permit 

Anyone soliciting in the borough without a proper permit is in violation of the law and should be reported to the police by calling 911.

As per Borough Ordinance 820.01, there is no commercial soliciting, either by pedestrians or by vehicle, in the Borough of West Mayfield without a Solicitation Permit issued in person (M-F, 9am-5pm) by the Mayor

Permitted solicitors are authorized to conduct business in West Mayfield from 9am to 6pm, Monday through Friday.  There is no soliciting soliciting on Saturday and Sunday.

Charitable, nonprofit, political, or religious organizations are not required to obtain a solicitation permit, but they must notify the Mayor of their activities.

Posted in Borough News, Public Safety.