Open Burning No. 101019 (Amends Ordinance No. 02119 prohibiting open burning in the borough & repeals original ordinance Chapter 660 Open Burning): No outdoor fire or burning of any nature or for any purpose shall be kindled or maintained in the Borough of West Mayfield except as listed in the following subsections: An outdoor fire or ceremonial fire may be maintained if done so pursuant to a permit from the Department of Environmental Protection and if approved by the Borough and the West Mayfield Volunteer Fire Department.
An outdoor fire may be maintained for cooking purposes using charcoal, wood or gas fires in approved closed containers such as metal barbecue grills with covers, covered hibachis or commercial grills which utilize propane or natural gas for combustion.
Open fires may be set for recreational purposes pursuant to the following specific conditions:
(1) Only dry and seasoned tree wood shall be burned, and no excessive smoke is allowed.
(2) Recreational fires shall be contained in a pit made of noncombustible material such as iron, steel, masonry or stone. Said fire pit must be located not closer than fifteen feet to any structure. A recreational fire pit shall be no more than 2.5 feet high and five feet in diameter.
(3) A water hose and/or buckets/sprinkling cans shall be proximal to the recreational fire for purposes of controlling the same.
(4) No recreational fire is allowed to be left unattended. An adult at least twenty one (21) years old must supervise said fire until the last spark goes out.
(5) In cases where smoke and/or hot ashes blow directly into windows and/or roofs of adjacent homes, smoke shall be cleared or fire extinguished.
(6) Recreational fires shall be extinguished thoroughly before leaving the area or at 12:00 a.m.
Speed Limit (Chap 430): Maximum speed limit on all Borough roads is 25 mph, except where posted otherwise.
Parallel Parking (Chap 470): Except where noted, parking on all streets must be parallel and in the direction of travel.
Weight Limits (Chap 450): No vehicle in excess of 20,000 lbs. is permissible on Patterson or Third Avenues.
Pets (Chap 620): No pet shall run at large.
Littering (Chap 630): No person shall dispose of rubbish, waste, or litter upon Borough property.
Sidewalks (Chap 630): All sidewalks must be kept clear of obstructions.
Junk Vehicles (Chap 640): No dismantled, inoperative, or unlicensed vehicle shall be stored except for in an enclosed building or garage.
Curfew (Chap 650): Minors shall not loiter or wander Borough streets after 10pm without legitimate reason/permission as per the ordinance.
Soliciting (Chap 820): No soliciting without a signed permit from the mayor.
Grass/Weeds (Chap 690): Property owners must keep all grass and weeds reasonably maintained.
State Laws Governing Municipalities
The Borough Code – The Code is the law providing governance and management capabilities to the Commonwealth’s boroughs.