Joint Emergency Management Service: West Mayfield & Eastvale Boroughs
EMC Eli Kosanovich, RN 724-910-1955
EM Deputy Jason Heaton 908-581-6488
West Mayfield, Beaver Falls, and Eastvale make up a Joint Emergency Management Services organization (J.E.M.S.).
West Mayfield Borough is responsible for implementing, reviewing, and updating its own Emergency-Operating Plan (EOP), which delineates its responsibilities in the event of an emergency or disaster. When the Borough cannot provide specific support services, outside agencies such as the American Red Cross and Salvation Army are contracted through verbal and written agreements to provide the service needed.
The Emergency Operating Plan is reviewed by the Borough Emergency Management Coordinator and approved every 2 years by the FEMA, PEMA, and Beaver County Emergency Management. West Mayfield Borough Council then approves the Emergency Operating Plan.
Emergency Management oversees 4 basic phases of emergency management: mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery. The Mayor and Council work very closely with the Borough’s Emergency Management team to provide the support that is needed to be effective in all phases.
In times of an emergency, we’ll need all the help we can get to ensure we keep our community safe from harm. So be proactive and learn how you can be a part of the West Mayfield Emergency Management Team.
All residents are welcome | No experience necessary
Contact Eli Kosanovich if you would like to volunteer on our Emergency Management team.
Emergency Management
Emergency Management Coordinator: Eli Kosanovich
Operations Center: Borough Building (4609 W. 8th Ave.)
The Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency (PEMA) helps communities and citizens mitigate against, prepare for, respond to, and recover from emergencies including natural disasters, acts of terrorism, or other human-made disasters. PEMA supports county emergency management agencies by coordinating and engaging the whole community including: Federal and state partners, Volunteer organizations involved in disasters, Private sector business community, and Citizens