Borough Permits
The Borough of West Mayfield requires permits for certain activities which will be conducted or performed within the borough. Fees for permits are noted on the respective application which should be printed, properly completed and submitted as indicated. The applications are available below.
Building Permit
In accordance with borough ordinances a Building Permit will be required for certain activities, including but not limited to the following:
Construction: Additions, garages, fences, storage sheds, construction which alters the square footage of any existing structure
Demolition: Removal of any structure
Excavation: Significant digging not associated with construction
Signs: Installation of any sign as noted in borough ordinances
View and download Building Permit
For more information about borough building, occupancy permits and other code enforcement matters, contact:
Bob Tate,
Code Enforcement Officer
Occupancy Permit
In accordance with borough ordinances an Occupancy Permit will be required for any and all properties when a change in ownership occurs. In addition to the Occupancy Permit, a Smoke & Dye Test will be required.
View and download Occupancy and Smoke & Dye Test Permit
For more information about borough building, occupancy permits and other code enforcement matters, contact:
Bob Tate,
Code Enforcement Officer
Sewer Tap-In Permit
In accordance with borough ordinances a Tap-In Permit will be required prior to any new sewer connection to the muncipal sewer system. There is a fee for this permit.
View and download Sewer Tap-In Permit
For more information about sewer tap-in permits, contact:
Bill Heaton,
chair, Sewer & Sanitation Committee
Solicitation Permit
As per Borough Ordinance 820.01, there is no commercial soliciting, either by pedestrians or by vehicle, in the Borough of West Mayfield without a Solicitation Permit issued in person by the Mayor.
Permitted solicitors are authorized to conduct business in West Mayfield from 9am to 6pm, Monday through Friday. There is no soliciting on Saturday and Sunday. Charitable, nonprofit, political, or religious organizations are not required to obtain a solicitation permit, but they must notify the Mayor of their activities.
NOTICE: All persons issued a solicitation permit must present the permit upon request of any resident. All current permits will be listed on the website, and residents are advised to contact the Beaver Falls police department by calling 911 or 724-846-7000 if they suspect unlawful soliciting activity.
Violators of any provision of Borough Ordinance 820 shall be fined not more than $300 or imprisoned not more than 30 days or both.
View list of current and valid Solicitation Permits
Permits are only issued in person by the Mayor.
To request a Solicitation Permit, contact:
Licia Cogley, Mayor