Resource Library
The Resource Library contains a wide range of publications, references, and links to important governmental, civic, and community information.
- Public Safety
- Police, Fire, Code Enforcement/Zoning, Emergency Management
- Borough News
- Borough Calendar
- Government Directory
- Public Meetings
- Agendas
- Minutes
- Budget, Financial Reports, Annual Audits
- Borough Ordinances, Resolutions
- Active Solicitation Permits
- Borough Permits
- Building Permits
- Occupancy Permits
- Sewer Tap-In Permits
- Solicitation Permits
- Community Services
- Yard Waster Disposal
- Leaf Collection
- Solid Waste Refuse
- Utilities
- Park Shelter Reservations
- Resource Library
- Public Safety
Committees Online
- Fire Service Review Committee (Adjourned)
- Recreation Board
Contact & Communication
- Official West Mayfield Website
- Official West Mayfield Facebook Page
- Citizens Online Comment Form
- West Mayfield Calendar
- Borough News
Publications for Government Officials
- Pa Borough Council Handbook
- Pennsylvania Borough Mayors Manual
- Manual for Municipal Secretaries (2004)
- Emergency Management for Municipal Officials
- Solicitor’s Handbook
- Tax Collectors Manual
- Agency Open Records Officer Guidebook
- DCED Library– A collection of handbooks, guidelines, reports, publications and other documents relatiing to local government and community services programs
Governmental Organizations
Fiscal Management
- Fiscal Management Handbook (2016)
- Manual for Municipal Secretaries (2004)
- Auditor’s Guide (2022)
- DCED Chart of Accounts for Municipalities (2014)
- Debt Management Handbook
- Municipal Annual Audit & Financial Report Tip Sheet (2023, DCED)
- Tax Collectors Manual
- Taxation Manual
- Manual for Local Taxpayers Bill of Rights and Real Property Taxpayer Programs (Act 50 of 1998)
Ordinances & Zoning
Property Maintenance
- Local Government Commission Report: Property Maintenance Code Enforcement (2024)
- Housing Alliance of Pennsylvania – From Blight to Bright (2016) – From Blight to Bright is the comprehensive toolkit for combating blight in Pennsylvania. It provides tools to prevent blight, eliminate blight, keep properties up to code, and how to address long-term vacant and abandoned properties. There is also an update from April 2018 regarding changes in laws used to prevent, remediate, and redevelop blight.
- We Can Do This: A Five Step, Fast-Track Blight Plan (2016) – This publication walks you through five basic steps for developing a community or countywide blight strategy. “The Five-Step, Fast-Track Blight Plan” publication describes a systematic, proven, and inexpensive way for municipalities and counties to develop a comprehensive strategy to address blight,” according to Chris Gulotta, author of the publication. “It is a customized, stakeholder-driven process that develops a team approach for tackling blight.”Quick Guide: New Tools to Address Blight and Abandonment (2012) – The Quick Guide provides a comprehensive list of tools and authorities by level of government that were granted as of 2012, and recommendations for new tools as of that time. This publication succinctly and clearly breaks down 26 laws for combating blight and their applicability by government level, many of which are still in effect today as written in 2012.
Public Health
Public Safety
Emergency Management
Public Works
Streets & Roadways
- West Mayfield Borough Ordinances
- The Borough Code – The Code is the law providing governance and management capabilities to the Commonwealth’s boroughs.
- All Pennsylvania Municipal Codes – cities, townships, boroughs
- The Pennsylvania Code (State Statutes)
Citizens & Local Government
Borough Property Maintenance Ordinances
Pennsylvania Local Government Commission (Statewide Blight Task Force)
Property Maintanance Code Enforcement Study (2024) – The Pennsylvania Local Government Commission, a legislative agency, is studying municipal property maintenance code enforcement on behalf of the Statewide Blight Reform Task Force. There is growing concern over the impact of blight on our communities and code enforcement is a key tool in mitigating and preventing blight. Because Pennsylvania does not have a statewide property maintenance code or any training program for code officers, the task force is interested in learning how municipalities manage property maintenance code enforcement. The Commission is asking township officials to complete a survey that is expected to take about 15 to 20 minutes. Your input will help identify trends in code enforcement and will be used to develop recommendations on how to better address code enforcement and blight mitigation.
Housing Alliance of Pennsylvania
From Blight to Bright (2016) – From Blight to Bright is the comprehensive toolkit for combating blight in Pennsylvania. It provides tools to prevent blight, eliminate blight, keep properties up to code, and how to address long-term vacant and abandoned properties. There is also an update from April 2018 regarding changes in laws used to prevent, remediate, and redevelop blight.
We Can Do This: A Five Step, Fast-Track Blight Plan (2016) – This publication walks you through five basic steps for developing a community or countywide blight strategy. “The Five-Step, Fast-Track Blight Plan” publication describes a systematic, proven, and inexpensive way for municipalities and counties to develop a comprehensive strategy to address blight,” according to Chris Gulotta, author of the publication. “It is a customized, stakeholder-driven process that develops a team approach for tackling blight.”
Quick Guide: New Tools to Address Blight and Abandonment (2012) – The Quick Guide provides a comprehensive list of tools and authorities by level of government that were granted as of 2012, and recommendations for new tools as of that time. This publication succinctly and clearly breaks down 26 laws for combating blight and their applicability by government level, many of which are still in effect today as written in 2012.
Public safety is the responsibility of four key municipal agencies:
- Beaver Falls Police Department
- Beaver Falls Fire Department
- West Mayfield Code Enforcement
- West Mayfield Emergency Management
Visit the Borough’s Emergency page
Neighboring Municipalities
County Government
Recreation & Tourism
Community Related Organizations
- Concerned Citizens of West Mayfield – Concerned Citizens of West Mayfield is a non-governmental, citizen-led forum to discuss concerns and actionable solutions to issues facing residents of the borough.
- Community Service Volunteers of West Mayfield – A citizen-led group sponsoring community events and activites.
- Matilda Little Free Library
About West Mayfield